So, we shoot a tiny little pilot, and then start editing it in our office. Reading tutorials on Adobe Premier on the side, Harini gets to work, Ziba takes some footage and starts to experiment with it. It all starts to look real. Frame by frame. Cut after cut. It starts to become very clear. Something stirs. We start to look for funding. Start to talk to people who could guide us in any direction. Most of them strangers sometimes on the lead of a friend or an acquaintance - Why don't you speak to so and so?
That is exactly what we did :) Speak to anyone who would care to lift our phone and have a chat with us. Sometimes indulged sufficiently, sometimes brushed aside. Many times ignored even. But it felt good to be out there, having decided that we needed to do this film. It couldn't be that tough now, can it?
Yes it could be.